And between the 2 and the 11 of the weight, it almost looks like a 'GHT' of WROUGHT, maybe. Unique and interesting markings, 'Peter Wright Patent L L LL'. If you can get them to warm up to you a bit you can possibly come home with a good anvil at a price you can agree on. peter wright anvil identify By Timeswelding Main Anvils, Swage. ANTIQUE PETER WRIGHT ANVIL We are offering for sale an antique Peter Wright anvil. My Mom always told me that I had the gift of gab, and could talk to anyone on many subjects. (1x112 + 1x28 + 0) Peter Wright is one of the most common brands of old anvils seen in the USA I don't know where you are at. Unfortunately this one is in a storage unit right now several miles from here but I did measure it once. The weight is in the CWT system so 1 1 0 original weight was 140 pounds. It is that set that I have at work now, and I use them everyday. The A's are most likely inspection marks. I grabbed some of my machine tool supply catalogs, and totaled up $6,200 worth of tools. I got them for $550, and it took both of us to carry the top box to my truck. We chatted for awhile, then he told me that he would rather sell them to me at a lower price because I was going to use them, and not resell them. Its not like-new (there is a bit of sway etc) but its marked equal to 171 pounds and Im trying to sell it for 325.

I was the only one interested in all of it, as most wanted to part it out.
The box, and riser were chock full of high quality machinist tools, and some he had made too. I have had situations where once I had talked to them awhile they came way down, or gave me a great deal.Įxample I bought a Kennedy top box with a riser from a retired machinist who worked at CalTech making radio telescopes. Let them know that you are starting out in smithing, and that you will actually be using it as it was intended. And instead of selling all the merch, they. As the story goes, Sears either couldnt unload them or they closed shop in Ohio somewhere. This required a rolling marking die to put the large logo on a curved surface. If it comes out he hasn't had any calls on it, tons of calls but all no shows, or a lot of lookers only, it plays in your favor. Howdy folks, Heard a rumor just after quadstate that at some point in time Sears and Robuck dumped a bunch of Peter Wright anvils into the Ohio river, or some other body of water. 8) From one advertisement for Peter Wright Solid Box vises, case harden The only marked box I have seen is one I have with a Brooks & Amritage marking in an oval. There are a few things you can look for to determine if an anvil is good. An anvil is used by blacksmiths, jewelers, and other metalworkers. If it isn't far from you, go check it out. It is made of a hard metal, such as steel, and has a flat surface.