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If you require comprehensive real-time bids/asks/quotes, we offer a no-risk trial to one of our real-time products. As a result, the real-time prices displayed may have minor discrepancies when comparing the information with other sites offering real-time data, or with brokerage firms. Note: The Cboe BZX Exchange currently accounts for approximately 11-12% of all U.S.

Real-time prices are available during market hours (9:30 AM to 4:00 PM EST). If the symbol has pre-market or post-market trades, that information will also be reflected along with the last (closing) price from the symbol's exchange. Volume always reflects consolidated markets. During market hours, the real-time Cboe BZX price displays and new trade updates are updated on the page (as indicated by a "flash"). Real-time prices are provided by Cboe BZX Exchange on individual U.S. The Quote Overview page gives you a snapshot view for a specific symbol.